PRICE lecture in December on the pension systems of the Baltics and Poland and the retirement plans of immigrants in Iceland.

Dr. Olga Rekevsla will give a lecture in the lecture theater of the National Museum of Iceland on 5 December from 14 to 16:


Olga Rajevska

   The Pension Systems in the Baltics and Poland


After the fall of communism, pension systems were created in Poland and the three Baltic States in accordance with the guidelines of the International Monetary Fund. Emphasis was placed on the sustainability of the systems, social insurance, and the establishment of a three-pillar structure. The lecture will discuss the role of the pension system in poverty and income inequality now, 30 years later, with a focus on the effects of outmigration to other European countries. Olga will address questions such as how mass emigration of the working age population affects the sustainability of the pension systems and how European regulations on the portability of pension rights work?  Lastly, she will describe the initial results of a survey conducted in Iceland on the retirement plans of  migrant workers from Latvia, Lithuania and Poland expect in Iceland?


The meeting is open to the public.


Olga Rajevska is an Assistant Professor and Researcher at Riga Stradins University (Latvia), an expert member of the Latvian Research Council and a country expert in the European Social Policy Analysis Network (ESPAN) country.

Slides:   Olga_05_12