PRICE fyrirlestur 16. maí um áhrif barneigna á sparnað

Þann 16. maí mun Arna Ólafsson kynna rannsóknarritgerð um áhrif barnaeigna á sparnað.


Child Penalties in Personal Finances:
Evidence from Bank Data

Using detailed and comprehensive bank data, we study the impacts that children have
on gender gaps in financial choices. It is well established that women are, on average,
less likely to participate in risky asset markets and save less. We show that the arrival of
children contributes to the gender gaps in these financial choices: At the exact point in
time when women become mothers their propensity to participate in risky asset markets
drops and their propensity to save through savings accounts does as well, the amounts
they hold in savings accounts is reduced as well as their average monthly savings, and they
draw down their private pensions. These outcomes are unaffected as men become fathers.
We therefore conclude there are “child penalties” in personal finances that contribute to
the gender gaps in financial choices.

Meðhöfundur: David Westerheide

Arna er prófessor í fjármálum við Copenhagen Business School. Sjá meira um Örnu hér.