PRICE lecture on foreign investments by pension funds on 7 June


The American economist Robert Z. Aliber will give a lecture in room 101 in Oddi building on June 7  from 12 to 13.30 about foreign investments of pension funds.

In his lecture, Aliber will discuss the relationship between foreign investments of pension funds and the patterns of trade deficits and surpluses in the world, and how a surplus in one country’s trade creates a deficit in others. He will address the question of whether Western nations, facing an increase in the elderly population, can finance the expected rise in pension payments through foreign investments and what difficulties such investments may create in the global economy.

Following Aliber’s lecture, Már Guðmundsson, former Governor of the Central Bank of Iceland, and Lúðvík Elíasson, Head of the Research and Forecasting Department of the Central Bank of Iceland, will lead a discussion.

The meeting is open to the public.

