Gylfi Zoega

Gylfi Zoega is Professor of Economics at the University of Iceland and (part-time) at Birkbeck Business School, University of London. Gylfi holds an MA, MPhil and a PhD degree in economics from Columbia University. Before joining the University of Iceland in 2003, he was full time at Birkeck since 1993. Gylfi was an external member of the Monetary Policy Committee of the Central Bank of Iceland from 2009 to 2023, in the years that followed the financial crash in Iceland in 2008.  His research is focused on medium to long-run issues, such as the determinants of unemployment, saving, financial stability and growth. He has written extensively on the financial crisis in Iceland starting in 2008. He recently co-wrote The Great Economic Slowdown with Hian Teck Hoon and Edmund S. Phelps, which followed their book Dynamism, both published by Harvard University Press. He has also edited several books on the financial crisis with Robert Z. Aliber,; Preludes to the Icelandic Financial Crisis (2011), The 2008 Global Financial Crisis in Retrospect (2019) and Fault Lines After COVID-19: Global Economic Challenges and Opportunities (2023). Gylfi is a member of CESifo in Munich and PerCent at the Copenhagen Business School.

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