Gudrun Johnsen

Gudrun Johnsen is a senior advisor and head coordinator at Danmarks Nationalbank in the matters of the IMF and BIS. During her academic career she was a finance faculty member at CBS, the University of Iceland, and Reykjavik University. During 2013-2023 she was a research affiliate at the University of Oslo Private Law Department, and from 2023 at CBS PeRCent. Prior to entering academia, Gudrun worked for the IMF’s Monetary and Capital Markets Department in 2004-2006. In the wake of the Great Financial Crisis, Gudrun was recruited by the Icelandic Parliamentary Special Investigation Commission, as a senior investigator, looking into the causes and events leading to the fall of the Icelandic banking sector in 2008. She has extensive board experience in financial institutions, as e.g. a member of the board of the Pension Fund of Commerce in Iceland, and vice chair of Arion bank from 2010-2017. Gudrun is a founding member and former chair of the board of the Transparency International Chapter in Iceland. Gudrun holds a PhD in Economics from École Normale Supérieure in Paris, a MA degree in Statistics and a MA in Applied Economics from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, as well as a BA in Economics from the University of Iceland. Her academic fields are Law & Economics, Corporate Finance, and Industrial Organization. Her current research is focused on Pension Fund Governance, Pension Fund Litigation Activities, Credit Risk of Business Groups and Gendered Risk Aversion in Corporate Finance. Gudrun has written extensively on Incentive Pay, Credit Growth, Banking Failure and Financial Stability. She is the author of the book “Bringing Down the Banking System: Lessons from Iceland”, published by Palgrave-Macmillan in 2014.

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